Spiritual Care & Support
Below you will find a variety of ways to find hope and support through the ups and downs in life. We are here for you!
Spiritual Support
Come to me all who are weary burdened, and I will give you rest. - Matthew 11:28
The Well is open to anyone in need of prayer and spiritual support. We are here to listen and pray! Please join us across the hall from the sanctuary at CROSSPOINT.
No appointment necessary.
- Tuesdays 12:00 - 2:00 pm
Spiritual Support
One-on-One Spiritual Care is offered by CROSSPOINT to individuals in need of spiritual care, support, and prayer. After an initial intake and assessment session, individuals will be paired with a Spiritual Care Giver to meet with on a regular basis. Meetings may be scheduled via Zoom or in person by the Spiritual Care Giver; usually once a week for 10-12 weeks.
If you are interested in becoming a Spiritual Care Giver, or you would like to learn how to better care for the people you love, classes begin in the fall. There is no cost, and there are no requirements to attend, either in person or via Zoom.
Spiritual Care - Intake Form (English)
Spiritual Care - Informed Consent and Release Agreement (English)
Cuidado Espiritual - Formulario de Admisión (Español)
Cuidado Espiritual - Consentimiento Informado y Liberación de Responsabilidad (Español)
For more information email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
If you or someone you love is in need of a referral to a Christian therapist in our area, both Emmaus Road Counseling Center and SAGA offer Christian therapists and professional support to meet your specific needs.
Crosspoint appreciates and supports various non-profit organizations in the Santa Clarita area. However, the listing of such organizations does not equate to complete endorsement of their practices, website, and/or polices. Crosspoint is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other organizations.
- In Person: Every Sunday after services or Tuesdays / Wednesdays at “The Well”
- Online: We meet every Wednesday at 12:00pm on ZOOM to pray / Meeting ID: 872 4416 4428 /Join the ZOOM call here
For more information email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
Spiritual Stewardship Support
Personal support and care for individuals seeking Godly wisdom in the area of finances. The meeting will be by appointment with a member or members of our FFF team, after an initial intake and assessment by a Pastoral Staff member. Meetings may be scheduled via Zoom or in person by the FFF Team member(s). Length of sessions may vary according to need.
View / Download Pamphlet (English)
Ver / Descargar Panfleto (Español)
For more information or to make an appointment, email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
This service is offered by CROSSPOINT to congregants in need. Benevolence is administered by a Pastoral Staff member, and overseen by a Benevolence Committee.
For more information, email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
Spiritual Support
Grief Share is support group that meets in-person once a week. There is an official curriculum, supported by a video and a workbook that focus on supporting and encouraging adults who have been affected by the loss of a loved one. The meetings are facilitated by a Spiritual Care giver who oversees discussion and maintains a safe and encouraging environment to help members walk through their personal grieving process. The curriculum is designed to progress from meeting to meeting, so it would be best to start at the beginning; however, anyone may join the group at any time.
For more information email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
Spiritual Support
Divorce Care is a support group that meets in-person once a week. There is an official curriculum, supported by a video and a workbook that focus on supporting and encouraging adults who have been affected by divorce. The meetings are facilitated by a Spiritual Care giver who oversees discussion and maintains a safe and encouraging environment for the members attending the meetings. The curriculum is designed to progress from meeting to meeting, so it would be best to start at the beginning; however, anyone may join the group at any time.
For more information email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
Spiritual Support
This service will be offered as needed. Members of the Spiritual Care Team will be available to make in-home, hospital, and care-facility visits to individuals in need of prayer, support, and encouragement. The visiting teams will visit individuals in teams of 2 or 3 depending on the need of the individual. Meetings will be arranged by a Care Pastor and take place in-person by appointment only.
For more information email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
Spiritual Support Services
These are services offered by CROSSPOINT Pastoral Staff members to support congregants and their family members through and during these important moments in life. A Pastoral Staff Member will walk with each individual and their family members to support, encourage, pray for, and facilitate these significant events.
For more information email Pastor Michelle Shaw, mshaw@crosspointscv.org
These gatherings take place twice a year, in the Spring and Fall, and are scheduled to align with Cleansing Stream regional retreats. The seminars are facilitated by individuals trained in the area of inner healing and deliverance. Anyone may sign up to attend the seminars in order to receive prayer for inner healing and deliverance. Cleansing seminars will be organized and overseen by a CROSSPOINT Pastoral Staff member.
For more information email Pastor Steve Staples, sstaples@crosspointscv.org
Spiritual Support
CROSSPOINT presents “More Than Conquerors”: In an effort to help Men conquer their addiction to pornography, CROSSPOINT, in partnership with Pure Desire Ministries, is offering the “Conquer Series” in a spiritual support group format. “More than Conquerors” is a cinematic study presented in a support group setting, that offers Biblical teaching and proven principles that help men conquer porn and walk in freedom.
For more information email fmoonline@crosspointscv.org. This is a confidential email, and the only person who will see it is the leader of the For Men Only Group.